Feathered Friend - Bird(watcher)s of a feather flock together

Work Completed for this Project:

Style Guide

Lo-Fi Wireframes

Hi-Fi Wireframes


This was a student project based on collecting, reporting, and sharing bird sightings. Users use their phone camera to take a picture of a bird, and the app identifies it, and logs it into the user’s log. Sightings are plotted on a map for other users to see and use to possibly sight the bird themselves. This app could be expanded to include a social media aspect as well.

The logo for this app is a simple bird that I drew in Adobe Illustrator. On the loading page, it has a music note that fades in and out, acting as a spinner.

The colors of this app were inspired by nature. Robin’s egg blue serves as the main color, and the other colors are toned down to look more like colors found on birds and in nature (I live in the northeast United States, so the birds around here aren’t usually bold, brilliant colors).

The screens created for this app. Includes a login screen, and camera screen, a splash screen with a music note spinner and random bird fact, a bird ID page, a user’s bird log, a log entry, and a map of local sightings.